

Obviously this time of year is where everyone who's sat their GCSEs and AS/A Levels a couple of months ago is STRESSING over their results... But don't stress! Whether you've done good or bad it doesn't change you as a person and there are other options you can explore.

The exam room is definitely not a place that I want to go to. I'm one of those people who want to do well but CANNOT revise at all. I remember the night before getting my GCSE results, I was so nervous I didn't sleep at all and I convinced myself that I did bad.. But when I had my results I did considerably well for someone who hates revision and gets so easily distracted. They weren't the best results that I could've had but I got into AS Levels in college which I was really happy about! Little did I know how much work was involved and how BIG a jump it is from GCSE.. I'm not even kidding! I revised more for AS than GCSE but not enough and when I went to get my results I was devastated!! Although I didn't do well I will try again and work harder this year.

So, if you don't or didn't get the results you hoped for there are always other options for you and there is something out there for everyone. If you're not sure what career you want to have in years to come, don't stress about that either. Just keep looking for something you enjoy doing and take your time ((BUT NOT TOO MUCH TIME)), you don't have to find what you are good at now, like I haven't. 

Thank you for reading and Good Luck for your exam results, don't stress. And if you've already had them I hope you've done better than I have and if you haven't please don't stress!

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