Firstly, to start off my blog I would like to thank you for actually reading this and to thank you if you continue to read my posts and support me.
Secondly, I want to introduce myself and tell you a bit about myself and why I have decided to start my VERY FIRST blog! So, I'm Whitney, a 17 year old "normal" girl living in Wales in the UK. I am in fact one of a kind because I have no siblings to compare myself to. Although I'm an only child, I enjoy every bit of it, after all I don't have to share anything at all! I have my own room and I don't have to worry about singing on top of my voice and dancing like a complete idiot when my parents aren't home. I have an amazing family and by far the best friends in the world. Oh yeah and boyfriend.
NOW, "A Place That I Can Go To".
I decided to start my blog purely on the fact that I am BORED OUT OF MY MIND. Actually, not purely... Really, I decided to because I enjoy reading other blogs and ever since I was able to write on paper I used to create my own stories - however I am not planning on writing stories here, I am in fact planning on blogging about my life, beauty, hair, fashion, my personal opinions and other topics that I don't know of yet. This is why I've called my blog "A Place That I Can Go To", because it is! No matter how I'm feeling whether it's good or bad, I have my blogs to make an experience for my readers and overall a better experience for me.
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